Total PARCO Pakistan Prequalification for Retail Business Partners
Total PARCO Pakistan Limited (TPPL) is a company incorporated in Pakistan under the laws of Pakistan with a 50:50 shareholding between PAK-ARAB REFINERY LIMITED (PARCO) and TOTAL TotalEnergies Marketing & Services. Total Parco TPPL is excited to invite passionate and driven retailers to submit their bids for the Management and Operation of our prestigious Service Stations as per the conditions below.
Bidder response to this RFP must be submitted in the hardcopy as per the structure provided in the table below.
A brief description of each section of the response has been explained in the table. Bidders would be required to follow the structure below, failing which may lead to disqualification.
Technical Bid (Mark as Annex A1)
Section #
- A
Understanding of our Requirements
Briefly present in this section your understanding as a prospective retailer of what TPPL is expecting from the scope of work defined in this RFP. Not more than one page
- B
Profile (Company / Individual)
Present in this section a brief description of yourself or your organization. STRN/NTN /C NIC details , E-mail address.
- C
Experience (Current / Past) of RETAIL STATION Operations
Present in this section list of similar businesses or experience of handling such stations
- D
Financial Position
Present details of stable financial position. At least last 6 months bank statements.
Financial Bid (Mark as Annex A2)
FINANCAIL BIDS SUBMISSION is NOT REQUIRED at this stage. Bidders shortlisted based on the evaluation of TECHNICAL BIDS will be contacted for submission of Financial Bids.
Any other details as appendices
If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, a written addendum will be provided. TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) is not bound by any oral clarifications to change the scope of the work for this project. All addenda issued by TPPL will become part of the official.
All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Participation in ABC Filling Station Bids". The address of the proposer should also be clearly marked.
Technical Proposals should be put in SEALED ENVOLOPE
No responsibility will attach to TPPL, any official or employee thereof, for the pre-opening, post opening, or failure to open a proposal not properly addressed and identified. Interested parties would be required to submit their profiles via courier with all the relevant documents to the head office address of TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited). All bids received after the set deadline will not be entertained.
The bidder agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan) harmless from any or all causes of action or claims arising out of or related to the bidder’s performance on this proposal.
Each page of the proposal must be signed by the party submitting the proposal. All proposals shall be prepared in a comprehensive manner as to content, but no necessity exists for expensive binders or promotional material.
The information provided herein is intended solely to assist the Bidder in the preparation of their Proposals. To the best of the company’s knowledge, the information provided is accurate. However, the company does not warrant such accuracy, and any errors or omissions subsequently determined will not be construed as a basis for invalidating this RFP.
While the company has every intention to award a contract because of this RFP, issuance of the RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by the company to award and execute a contract.
The Company reserves the right to reject, at any time and for any reason, all proposals it receives because of this RFP.
The company's intent is to enter into a contract because of this RFP. However, if after reviewing the proposals received, the company determines that the company should not enter a contract, or different contract from the contract indicated by this RFP, the company will act in accordance with what the company determines at that time to be in its best interest. No Proposer or any other party has any entitlement, interest, or right in this decision by the company, and by submitting a proposal, acknowledges the company's right to exercise its discretion in this regard without any right of recourse by the Proposer.
The cost for developing proposals is entirely the responsibility of the proposer and will not be chargeable to the company.
All materials submitted in response to this RFP will become the property of the company.
Proposal Interpretations, Addenda and Clarifications may be issued to correct mistakes, answer questions, or resolve ambiguities during the proposal solicitation process. Company shall send any change to or interpretation of this RFP to each firm or individual via e-mail to whom an RFP has been any such changes or interpretations shall become a part of this RFP and may be incorporated into any contract awarded pursuant thereto.
Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, thereby providing a straightforward, concise description of the Proposer's ability to meet the requirements of the RFP.
The Proposer at any time before the RFP Submission Deadline date and time may withdraw their Proposal. If the Proposer desires to resubmit their Proposal, it must be re-submitted by the submission deadline.
Shortlisted bidders will be called for interviews with TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) staff. Proposers will be notified of such an event in a timely manner.
The Business Model (explained below) will be applicable after the bidding process is completed.
- Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation process consists of two key components: Technical Evaluation and Financial Evaluation, each carrying a specific weightage.
- Technical Evaluation: This component holds a substantial 60% weightage in the overall assessment. In the technical evaluation, bidders must achieve a minimum score of 60% to qualify for further consideration and they would be intimated (email or letter intimation via courier) by TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) for the submission of their Financial Bids.
- Financial Evaluation: This component accounts for the remaining 40% of the evaluation weightage.
- The Minimum Reserve Price (License fee) will be set for each location as per calculation and business model and Bidders will submit their FINANCIAL Bids keeping the Minimum Reserve Price bench marking.
- Initial payment will include six months advance license fee in addition to the security Deposit till the continuity of license agreement arrangement.
- TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) shall have the right to deduct/adjust any amount(s) due from the bidders.
- TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) shall return the Security Deposit upon cessation of business arrangement/dealership without any liability to pay any interest thereupon.
- The successful bidder will be responsible for the operations of the station and will run a fully functional service station with all the allied facilities essential for the business as per the business model defined in the License Agreement. License Agreement will be initially for a period of 03 years and based on the performance (Volumetric Targets, Safety, Compliance, Stock cover, financial results) evaluation by the respective retail team and may be renewed for another term of 02 years.
- The site is to be used only as a service station along with all the allied facilities as per the terms of TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) License agreement.
- The successful bidder will pay Franchise Fee (Fuel & Non-Fuel) to TPPL (Total Parco Pakistan Limited) over and above the license Fee as per the standard terms of License Agreement.
- In case of any compliance issue or violation of contract, the company reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect.
- If the performance of the dealer/bidder found satisfactory based on the performance of the existing station operated by the same retailer for at least one year, he will be eligible for reconsideration for any new station and will be communicated accordingly.